Effective: January 13, 2024
AnimeInAmerica is committed to providing honest and accurate information to our readers. In compliance with Federal Trade Commission (FTC) guidelines, we want to disclose the methods through which we may receive compensation for our content and services.
All opinions expressed on this website are our own, and they are based on our experiences, research, and insights. We strive to provide accurate and up-to-date information. However, given the dynamic nature of the topics we cover, we do not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or suitability of the content on this website, and readers are advised to verify any information independently.
This website may engage in affiliate marketing, which means we may earn commissions on sales generated through affiliate links. These links are provided for your convenience, and they help support the maintenance of this website. However, the referral doesn’t cost you a penny. The entire commission comes out of the vendor’s pocket not yours. We only promote products or services that we believe will provide value to our readers.
To sustain and operate our website, we may display third-party advertisements. Advertisers may use various technologies, such as cookies, to collect information about your interaction with their ads. While we strive to work with reputable advertisers, we do not control the content of these ads. The revenue generated through ads helps cover the costs of running this website and producing valuable content for our audience.
From time to time, we may publish sponsored content, which means we receive compensation from advertisers for featuring their products or services. Sponsored content will be clearly identified as such, and our commitment to providing honest opinions remains unchanged.
Maintaining your trust is paramount to us. We disclose our compensation methods to be transparent about how this website operates. It is our intention to provide valuable, reliable, and unbiased information to empower our readers in making informed decisions.
Contact Information
If you have any questions or concerns about this disclosure statement, please contact us at jtpv@animeinamerica.com.
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